Between What IS and What Could BE.

Cypress Daniel
2 min readJun 12, 2023


bernard delemotte

There is a space between what your life is now and what deep deep down you know it could be.

Before the fear,

The doubt,

The pragmatics,

There is a world where you live that life.

But that space between is daunting.

Let’s draw a bridge.

It doesn’t matter who you are,

Everyone has imagination, everyone is an artist, and everyone is a dreamer.

To squash any argument,

Where do you go when you sleep?

And what did your untethered child create in this dimension?

You dreamt and you played.

I can tell you what dreaming and playing are not.

They are not ways of thinking, that is for sure.

They are not limited parameters.

They are not dependent on what you perceive reality to be.

Really chew on that last one for a moment.

Dreaming and playing are ways of being.

Its not who you think yourself to be, but a true representation of the potential of who you could be,

and perhaps,

already are.

The bridge between the realities we believe we are bounded by and the reality deep down we want to believe is possible is not a matter of thinking.

It is a matter of being.

It actualizes in the shift from thinking as the primary expression of possibility to being.

Your way of being can be as creative or pragmatic as you’d like.

For a moment though,

Consider the infinite amount of creative breakthroughs that led you to be as you are now, especially before you came to be who you think you are.

The underlying structure to God’s code of life is the mysticism of creative flowing energy.

Whether you want it to or not,

It never stops flowing through you.

Where is it trying to take you?

The best answer:

You don’t need to know.

The more you try to know, the more limited the outcome.

That reality you know is possible is separated by a wide river of creativity.

The only decision you can make is to begin to traverse the river.

You can sit on the banks all day long and ideate,

But that is not going to get anybody across.

Just jump in the damn river.

There is no formula,

There is no set-way,

There is no hand-holding.

You can have guides,

But you must feel completely ready on your own to condense the space between the river banks.

This moment is where your agency lives,

Remember that.



Cypress Daniel
Cypress Daniel

Written by Cypress Daniel

Surf cowboy architect with 17,280+ hours devoted to designing space. Now helping you re-Design success and the space between what is and what could be.

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